Hey All, it’s christina da house slut here to introduce you to a new feature on the Command Performance Newsletter – it’s time to unveil this month’s WORST….SUBMISSIVE…IN THE WORLD!!!!!
Yes, the purpose of this feature is to point out the failings of some poor sub who really, really didn’t have a clue as to what they were doing, as well as make you laugh and perhaps teach you something in the process. So, let’s turn it over to CP’s A#1, Lady Regina.
“Last month, we had a gentleman come in for a private session. His interest in exploring the lifestyle seemed sincere and honest, and he might’ve developed into usable pain slut in time with the proper skill reinforcement. However, it probably came to a crashing halt for him about twenty minutes into my introductory interview.”
Hmmm….i’m always a fan of hearing about someone crashing and burning. What happened, Lady Regina?
“At the end of the interview, I asked him if he had a safe word picked out. He said that he did, and I asked him what it was. He said he wanted it to be ‘Please Mistress.’ I was actually speechless for a minute. ‘Please Mistress?’ How in the hell I am supposed to tell if I’m hurting someone if the safe-word or phrase they use is something I expect them to say in the course of conversation? I know the difference between giving a submissive ‘good-pain’ and ‘bad-pain’. But I can’t tell what they’re personally experiencing if they say something that only encourages me to bring it harder. I mean, you have a proper safe-word, don’t you christina?”
Um, yeah, i do. i can’t recall what it is right now because i don’t really use it.
“That doesn’t surprise me. Well, anyway, when I actually regained the ability to speak, I told him under no uncertain terms that that was the absolutely worst safe word I’d ever heard and he’d have to pick out a new one. He seemed taken aback by this, but if he wasn’t ready for a strict reprimand from me, than he had really no clue what he was getting himself into.”
So, what’s the lesson here, Lady Regina?
“Put some thought into your safe word! Lots of people use ‘red,’ the color of a traffic ‘STOP’ sign. Other people will use a word or phrase that never would come up in the course of a pain scene - like ‘banana’ or ‘pencil’ or ‘Eliot Spitzer’ - something so out of place to the moment that it’s very introduction indicates that something is wrong. Either way, have one prepared and agreed upon before starting any type of session or scene. It’s necessary…and not exactly rocket science.”
Unfortunately, our unnamed, unknown and since-that-day unheard from submissive didn’t know that. He may have lost Lady Regina’s interest that night, but today he’s a winner – he’s this month’s official Command Performance….WORST….SUBMISSIVE…..IN THE WORLD!
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