So, a few years ago I was in this Dollar Store in Hollywood and saw these green candles for Santa Marta La Dominadora. As a Catholic girl gone bad, I was intrigued and, though I never found anything officially saying that she is the Patron Saint of Dominatrices,I did find lots testimony on blogs about santeria and the like which testify to her power at bringing wayward lovers and boyfriends to their knees.
This is her (totally ass-kicking) prayer:
Holy Virgin Saint Martha,
Who entered the mountain and tied
Up the beast with your ribbons,
I beg you to tie up and dominate [insert name of target].
Saint Martha,
Let him/her not sit in a chair,
Nor lie in a bed until he/she is at my feet.
Holy Martha, hear me,
Help Me for the love of God.
Holy Virgin Martha,
For the oil which you will consume today,
For the oil which nourishes this lamp,
For the wick which burns away all impurities,
I dedicate this Lamp to you,
So that you may relieve me
Of all my Miseries
And Help Me to Overcome all Difficulties.
As You dominated the beast at your feet,
Give me Health and Work
So that I may provide for my needs.
My Mother,
Grant me that [insert target's name]
May not live in Peace,
Until he/she comes to stand at my feet.
In this way my Mother,
For the Love of God
Grant my Petition and Eliminate My Misery.
The feast day of Santa Marta Dominadora is July 29th. Celebrate by tying that special someone in your life up with ribbons not letting him "sit in a chair nor lie in a bed until he is at your feet" as suggested.