Ah summer... the scorching days, the long sultry nights - what better time to slip out of the sun and into the Dungeon?
Here's what's coming up:
Saturday July 12th- Post Munch Party( doors open at 9pm) Open to the public, Much discount still applies
Wednesday July 16th, TNG( or as I like to call them the young S&M-ers-that means 35 or under- if that's YOU read on, Christina's got contact info in here for ya)
Wednesday August 13th- Recovery in the Lifestyle @ 7pm.
As always open for play or walk in sessions on Weds. and Fri. after 8
Let me take one moment to say how happy I am with My little family of perverts and disciplinariennes- there's some overlap, true...
christina is doing a great job as my PR slut and girl Friday. Mistress Brittany is kicking ass on FRIDAY NIGHTS. Come up and visit Her after 9 PM.
Of course Mistress Anglina is still the high maintance glamour but don't let the pretty package fool you- She'll do some damage.
Nikita as always is the best of both worlds bi and a switch!
And Lady Lucretia well I'll let Her speak for Herself in a no holds barred interview conducted by the lovely christina.
Hope you are having a summer of sin, but if you aren't, it's not too late- stop by and let your inner demons out to play!