Doms, subs, tops, bottoms, switches or those just beginning the journey --
It has been a memorable few months at Command Performance and in the local lifestyle community. I was just remarking to one of my slaves (while torturing him, of course) the other day that there seems to be more events going on in South Florida than even before. On top of the excellent play parties going on at our little slice of hell over on Sample Road, every weekend is filled with lots of chances to go out and get to know yourself.
The rest of 2008 looks incredibly exciting too! Command Performance is exited to throw open our doors for:
Open House on Halloween
South Florida Muncher's Party
TNG - The Next Generation
First off, All Hallow's Eve falls on a Friday this year. So if your holiday plans included a little more than just fright to your night, then come on down and get your tricks and treats here! Our doors will open at 8 p.m. and the rest is up to you. If you have more questions, call us at 954-782-1778.
Coming November 8th is the next edition of the South Florida Munch Party open to all players! For the special low price of $10, you can meet, greet and beat people all night long. We'll also be celebrating christina's birthday, so come out and give that worthless toe-sucking whore the birthday spankings she needs. The turnout at the past two munches have been absolutely INCREDIBLE thanks to the hard work of ally waterfall. For more information about the party, either call us or e-mail ally at sfmunchwoman2@aol.com
The great folks at The Next Generation have put on some brain-feeding yet mind-fucking demos over the past few months during their monthly get-togethers at our dungeon. At their most recent party, Master Arkady's flogger discussion turned into a floor-wide free-for-all that had many screaming with delight until the closing hours. Open for those between the ages 21 to 35, TNG is quickly becoming our favorite monthly blowout. The next party will be held on November 19th, starting at 7 p.m. For more information, contact Deiter at deiterpilam@yahoo.com.
Command Performance is a proud supporter of Recovery In The Lifestyle. Held the second Wednesday of every month, this event is geared towards those in fetish who are dealing with addiction issues. If you need help, and feel more comfortable discussing your problems who understand the importance of BDSM in your life, the next meeting will be held on November 12th at 7 p.m. To find out more, click on http://www.recoveryinthelifestyle.com/
And as they say on those tacky infomericals that run at 3:30 in the morning....there's more!
It's certainly true that great leather events never near success until community kinksters style. And no where is style more out in force than at the famous monthly Fetish Factory parties. If you get sick with desire at their legendary Halloween bash on October 31 at Club Cinema in Pompano Beach, they'll give out the cure at Halloween Hangover on November 8th at Purgatory in Fort Lauderdale. For more information, check out http://www.fetishfactory.com/.
ElectroLust returns to Club X-IT in Hollywood on Saturday, November 1st. Halloween may be past on the calendar, but on that night will still have a spooky feel with a Vampire Fetish Rave that'll shake whatever's left of your soul from 9 p.m. until close to sunrise (and back to your caskets). Check out them out on the web at www.myspace.com/electrolusthollywood
Looking to bring out your best in bondage play? Want to know how best to fling that flogger? Then LeatherWerks should be your destination. Through the middle of November, the store that makes Fort Leatherdale famous will be giving classes on many different forms of play, taught by some of the local lifestyle's most knowledgable denizens. Drop an e-mail to leatherwerks@leatherwerks.com to find out more.
Now don't just sit there - get out and play!
It has been a memorable few months at Command Performance and in the local lifestyle community. I was just remarking to one of my slaves (while torturing him, of course) the other day that there seems to be more events going on in South Florida than even before. On top of the excellent play parties going on at our little slice of hell over on Sample Road, every weekend is filled with lots of chances to go out and get to know yourself.
The rest of 2008 looks incredibly exciting too! Command Performance is exited to throw open our doors for:
Open House on Halloween
South Florida Muncher's Party
TNG - The Next Generation
First off, All Hallow's Eve falls on a Friday this year. So if your holiday plans included a little more than just fright to your night, then come on down and get your tricks and treats here! Our doors will open at 8 p.m. and the rest is up to you. If you have more questions, call us at 954-782-1778.
Coming November 8th is the next edition of the South Florida Munch Party open to all players! For the special low price of $10, you can meet, greet and beat people all night long. We'll also be celebrating christina's birthday, so come out and give that worthless toe-sucking whore the birthday spankings she needs. The turnout at the past two munches have been absolutely INCREDIBLE thanks to the hard work of ally waterfall. For more information about the party, either call us or e-mail ally at sfmunchwoman2@aol.com
The great folks at The Next Generation have put on some brain-feeding yet mind-fucking demos over the past few months during their monthly get-togethers at our dungeon. At their most recent party, Master Arkady's flogger discussion turned into a floor-wide free-for-all that had many screaming with delight until the closing hours. Open for those between the ages 21 to 35, TNG is quickly becoming our favorite monthly blowout. The next party will be held on November 19th, starting at 7 p.m. For more information, contact Deiter at deiterpilam@yahoo.com.
Command Performance is a proud supporter of Recovery In The Lifestyle. Held the second Wednesday of every month, this event is geared towards those in fetish who are dealing with addiction issues. If you need help, and feel more comfortable discussing your problems who understand the importance of BDSM in your life, the next meeting will be held on November 12th at 7 p.m. To find out more, click on http://www.recoveryinthelifestyle.com/
And as they say on those tacky infomericals that run at 3:30 in the morning....there's more!
It's certainly true that great leather events never near success until community kinksters style. And no where is style more out in force than at the famous monthly Fetish Factory parties. If you get sick with desire at their legendary Halloween bash on October 31 at Club Cinema in Pompano Beach, they'll give out the cure at Halloween Hangover on November 8th at Purgatory in Fort Lauderdale. For more information, check out http://www.fetishfactory.com/.
ElectroLust returns to Club X-IT in Hollywood on Saturday, November 1st. Halloween may be past on the calendar, but on that night will still have a spooky feel with a Vampire Fetish Rave that'll shake whatever's left of your soul from 9 p.m. until close to sunrise (and back to your caskets). Check out them out on the web at www.myspace.com/electrolusthollywood
Looking to bring out your best in bondage play? Want to know how best to fling that flogger? Then LeatherWerks should be your destination. Through the middle of November, the store that makes Fort Leatherdale famous will be giving classes on many different forms of play, taught by some of the local lifestyle's most knowledgable denizens. Drop an e-mail to leatherwerks@leatherwerks.com to find out more.
Now don't just sit there - get out and play!