What I'm excited about this summer is the opportunity to include janet in sessions at Command Performance not merely as the publicity seeking sissy maid we've come to love (and love abusing) so well but in his/her more sinister incarnation as a fetish gimp! So if you are planning a session at CP anytime soon, consider supercharging your experience by adding a side order of GIMP!
Also Mistress Alexis has returned to our Dungeon and is once again available for those seeking transformations from a tranny.
AND MORE BIG NEWS- Long time friend of Command Performance and infamous local sadist and shibari superstar Deiter is now available for sessions! So sub ladies, couples who want to incorporate a male Dom into their play or anyone curious about watching this talented deviant tie and/or abuse one of the subs of CP or just any willing victim they happen to bring in- give Me a call (954) 782 1778 or email me ladyregina@commandperformance.net to set this up.
Meanwhile Lady Lotus, Mistress Bella, Miss Claudia and I are the the Four Mistresses of the Apocalypse at CP these days and this is more or less how it breaks down:
I'm the bitchy super villianess , Lady Lotus is the full on sadist with the lolita delivery, Mistress Bella is the evil sex siren, and Miss Claudia is equally cheerful as a stern taskmistress or naughty subbie.
The Newcomer's Nights have been heating up. We've been getting into edgier topics lately- cutting, cupping and needle play come to mind. Pup and MJ do a great job of moderating and, often as not acting as demonstrator and demo dolly as well. The next Newcomer's is Sunday the 11thof July at 7pm. Go ahead and call (954) 782 1778 or check out their FETLIFE group http://fetlife.com/groups/12024
Announcement- The Pantyboy Play Party is on Summer Hiatus but WILL BE BACK September 26th.
In other news: When the WOLFpack was at CP in June, Ms.Rae spoke to me about the Women's Leather History Project. This is a collection of interviews, artifacts and visual media that will tell the stories of women in the leather and fetish scenes. I'm excited about his because the people compiling this history want the stories of ALL women in kink not just lifestylers with impeccable Leather pedigrees. It got me thinking - "as a pro Domme is Leather History MY History? Or is it somehow related and tangential to but fundamentally different than the history of professional Dominatrices.." You can't tell the story of how BDSM evolved and exploded into public consciousness without including the story of the professional Dominatrix and vice versa. Anyone interested can read more about this project at
So have a scandalous summer all you perverts and pervettes and hope to see you in the dungeon soon.
-Lady Regina