First off, let me wish all of you a Happy and Healthy New Year. I certainly hope your holiday season was a wonderful one.
But now the holidays are over, but that doesn’t mean the good times are going to stop anytime soon. In the month of January alone, Command Performance will be the home to FIVE events that offer a little something for everyone. Aaaaaand…..just because we’re big fans of doing things slightly different around here, we’re going to list these events in reverse order. Why? Just because! Besides, everyone else would do it in order, right? Of course! And who decreed that it must be that way? Some vanilla person I bet. So screw that! Here is what’s up in January at Command Performance:
Saturday, January 31st – WOLF Open House
Saturday, January 24th – The return of SMOTHERAMA!
Wednesday, January 21st – TNG – The Next Generation
Wednesday, January 14th – Recovery in the Lifestyle
Saturday, January 10th – South Florida Munchers PartyAnd don’t forget – we’re still open for play four nights a week, from Wednesday through Saturday starting at 8 p.m.!
Show, show, show, here we go…..
1/31 – WOLF (Women of Leather Florida) Open House: We’re happy to announce this first-time Command Performance event. The evening’s festivities will be broken down into two parts – the first part of the evening, beginning at 6 p.m., will be exclusively for females. Sorry guys and wanna-be girls, but this is a chance for the ladies of WOLF and those who’d like to become one to come on out and get to know more about this incredible organization. However, at 9 p.m. at that evening, we’ll throw open our doors to all genders for a pansexual get-together. The play promises to be diverse and intense, so mark your calendars now. Entrance fee for this event will be $10.
1/24 – Smotherama. We had so much fun with this event late last year that we’re doing it again! For all you foot fetishists, BBW lovers, body worshippers and other assorted skin freaks, we’ll have all the women on hand that you could possibly want to make your personal fantasy come true. Entrance fee for this event will be $30. For more information, e-mail me at
ladyregina@commandperformance.net or call 954-782-1778.
1/21 – TNG – The Next Generation. If you’re between the ages of 21 to 35 and looking for a night to meet up with people your age who share your BDSM interests, then this is the night for you! 2008 Command Performance Talent Show Winner Deiter is the leader of this great group, and he’ll be more than happy to tell you all you need to know about TNG by contacting him at
1/14 – Recovery in the Lifestyle. Command Performance is the proud home of this important event for those in the BDSM community looking for help with addiction issues of any type. On the second Wednesday of every month starting at 7 p.m., this is the place to be if you’re looking for help amongst people who you feel will understand you best. For more information, contact the amazing stormy at
1/10 – South Florida Munchers Party. Our monthly relationship with the South Florida Munch continues with another great party. Since we’ll be counting down the final days of the tremendously successful administration of George W. Bush, come on out that night to take out your frustrations on Dubya! That’s right, we’ll have a fake Dubya on hand that night for you to spank, cane, flog, CBT, whatever you wish! (By the way, how do you know it’s not the real Bush? This one knew Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, didn’t sit on his ass while New Orleans drowned, nor deregulate the entire financial industry) Lost all of your 401K in the stock market? Whack! Is your mortgage balance greater than the value of your home? Whack! Still don’t have health insurance? WHACK WHACK WHACK! The door won’t hit Dubya in the ass on his way out, but you’re more than welcome to at our dungeon next Saturday!