We are all really excited for this party. Big Thank You to Ms. Heather who will be holding this awesome event at CP!
You can see all necessary info HERE These are some general facts and FAQs about CFNM that Ms. Heather was kind enough to send over:
CFNM stands for "clothed female, naked male". It's a woman's party where all women are fully clothed and the male (usually just one, sometimes more) is completely naked. His job is to do whatever "any" woman at the party tells him to do. His primary role is to bring them drinks and wait on them, although it's guaranteed the women will be requesting him to perform other "duties" throughout the night. Although there is not much sexual contact between the man and the women, this is not a G-string party, the man will have no clothes at all. The women may sometimes grope or fondle him, but usually that is to make him hard or keep him hard in front of all the women. Often that is accomplished by rubbing his stomach and thighs but women can do whatever they want. It's "reversing the tables" where the women are usually viewed as sex objects, whether its strip clubs, dancing women, women in magazines, etc.... where the woman is always wearing little or no clothing and the men are all viewing. The CFNM parties give the women a sense of power, and a sense of domination over the male, as the male is completely naked while all women remain clothed the entire party. The male usually feels very embarassed and humiliated, some more then others depending upon the male. Don't be surprised if you make him blush a lot, it's all part of the party and the women love this. The men know the rules and know they will be naked, humiliated, embarrassed, and any other possible emotion you can think of, many men want to be able to say they experienced this at least once in their lifetime, as nothing in their life will ever allow them to know what this really feels like unless they are put in this situation with many clothed women. Being clothed when the opposite sex is naked helps to ensure a feeling of superiority and safeness.
Rules of CFNM party
1) All men must be totally naked.
2) All women must be clothed.
3) All men must be absolutely polite to all women.
4) Men may not touch the women, but women may touch the men.
5) Drunkenness is not allowed.
6) Women must be smartly dressed and men must be clean.
Here are some typical FAQ and answers
Isn’t it just a load of horny naked guys?
No. Men are only allowed to a CFNM party when it’s fully established that they are to adhere to the above rules.
Is it compulsory for all men to be entirely naked.
As a woman I feel I might be uncomfortable amongst naked men.
Only for the first few minutes and then you’ll realize it’s just a normal party.
Can a woman be hassled by the guys?
Absolutely not in fact the whole point of CFNM parties is for women to be un-hassled and comfortable.
Are CFNM parties singles or couples?
As a man I feel that men being naked when women are clothed is unfair.
Yes it is unfair. If you want things fair or male dominant there are other areas that cater for that but CFNM is not meant to be fair.
I’m a woman who likes the idea of fun and giggles at CFNM but not interested in dominance so can I still go to a CFNM party?
I’m not a beautiful woman. Does it matter?
Not at all. Most women who attend CFNM are not models and many are over age 50.
What if a man gets an erection?
If it offends any women he will be asked to leave the room but this is rare as most women are unbothered by this so long as he remains acting casual.
Are all the men attractive?
Some are and some are not. Same ratio as a normal party.
Can a woman insult a man?
Yes but a man cannot insult a woman, not even in retaliation.
Can a woman touch a man?
Yes, she can touch or squeeze him wherever she wants as long as it isn’t total sex. A man though cannot touch a woman in any un-polite way.
Can a man object to being touched?
No. Any woman can touch any man anywhere she wants unless his female partner forbids it if he came with one, but a man cannot do this to a woman even if she wants it as it would be deemed disrespectful to women and also because one thing could lead to another.
Can I pop in and quickly view a CFNM party before fully attending one?
Women can but men cannot. Many women like to have a 2 minute look before turning up to attend a party fully.
Call (954) 782 1778 or email me ladyregina@commandperformance.net with any questions.