It's been a while since I've put out a proper newsletter. I thank you all for your patience.
We're adding two new features to the newsletter this month: 20 Lashes and The Worst Submissive In The World !
First, for 20 Lashes - it's a twenty question interview segment where the Mistresses and slaves interview each other (and hopefully, members of the local scene or interesting private perverts who would be interested in answering some questions about what makes them tick). So if anyone reading this would like to be interviewed or wants to interview one of us and have it posted in the newsletter email me: LadyRegina@CommandPerformance.net
This month our loyal Sissy Housemaid christina takes control of 20 Lashes with an interview of the beautiful, demanding and mysterious Mistress Brittany. Later, WSITW covers one sub's unfortunate (okay, totally freaking stupid) choice for a safe word.
But before we get the road on the show, here's our May updates:
RECOVERY IN THE LIFESTYLE is now the 2nd Wednesday of the Month!
Next meeting: May 14th @ 7PM at CommandPerformance
For info. on other meeting places and times go to: recoveryinthelifestyle.com
Command Performance's Monthly Play Party In Association with the South Florida Munch
will be Saturday, May 10th
Doors open at 9pm
Special pricing for Munch Attendees still appies
Summer Schedule
Open House for Playtime or Walk-in Sessions
Wednesday: 8pm-midnight
Friday (hosted by Mistress Brittany & christina) 9pm- 2am
Saturdays- 2nd Saturday of each month is the party, other Saturdays are by appointment for couples private rentals, event rentals, or private sessions
Private sessions available 7days a week
CALL (954) 782- 1778 for more info.