I need to catch everybody up on what's been happening at Command Performance and with me and all of us at CP while I have been MIA for a month and all the exciting things that are coming up. There's a lot to tell and no time for foreplay so this is gonna possibly make your head spin a bit. Pay attention because it's all huge.
Here we go:
*So as of August I have been back in school full-time as a nursing student. Nobody Panic! I'm keeping CP and plan to for the foreseeable future. It's a both/and NOT either/or. Though I wont be using tricks I picked up as a proDomme on my patients, I can surely put my new medical skills to good use up at the Dungeon.
*Meanwhile, on the days I'm playing nursey-nurse; Lady Lotus will be holding the phones and cracking the whip here at Command Performance. Dont piss her off!
*Shae Fatale is taking over the Foot and Fetish Night, it's coming up on the 20th and it's going to be AMAZING!!
* The rubber room is coming along. Shiny,skintight and slippery latex everywhere you look. Can't wait.
* CFNM on the 22nd-HALLOWEEN PARTY. Ladies encouraged to dress in costume or Gothic finery and the males, though still required to be naked, will be wearing Halloween masks, hats, makeup ect.
* If you were at the party on 9/30: thanks for making it a night of debauchery I wont soon forget! If you weren't there, you need to hang out here more so we will invite you next time.
So now you have some idea of what's been going on and what's coming up.
We are getting more beautiful and more deadly than ever this fall.
Come in and fall to your knees before Our magnificence!
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